Educational Evaluations

If your child is struggling, find out why

When Should a Parent Seek an Evaluation?

If your child is struggling in school with learning, your child might be at risk for Learning Disabilities and/or Dyslexia. If your child displays warning signs of Learning Disabilities, a critical first step is to seek an evaluation. Early identification through a comprehensive educational evaluation will help your child receive the appropriate services and intervention necessary to ensure your child’s success in school.

When Learning Disabilities/and or Dyslexia is not diagnosed, academic difficulties persist causing both emotional and psychological distress. Frustration, low self-esteem, poor motivation, and school failure is the hallmark of undiagnosed Learning Disabilities.

What Are the Warning Signs?

If your child is having difficulty with reading, written language, spelling, and/or math, Click Here to take a survey

What Will the Evaluation Reveal?

This comprehensive evaluation will:

Determine whether your child has Learning Disabilities and /or Dyslexia.

It will provide an academic and processing profile of your child and will pinpoint strengths and weaknesses which impact learning. Most importantly, the evaluation will define the neurological underpinnings affecting learning and provide strategies to remediate areas of deficit. These are essential elements of the testing to ensure that your child can become successful in school.

Lead to a better understanding of your child’s problem.

It is only through a clear understanding of your child’s difficulties that you will gain a new perspective on the best ways to help your child. Changing your approach preserves the relationship between you and your child and increases your child’s self-esteem.

Be helpful in determining eligibility for special education services in school and support programs in college.

The evaluation informs instruction and is the basis for helping to determine the appropriate educational services a child may receive.

What Does the Evaluation Include?

The evaluation includes:

  • An initial consultation with Dr. Jane.
  • A review of educational materials, including school reports, previous assessments, parent questionnaires, standardized test scores, and medical and social history.
  • Processing Assessments related to learning
  • Tests of Achievement which measure functioning levels in the basic skills of reading, spelling, written language, and math.
  • Tests of Oral Language skills related to success in reading and writing.

What Happens After the Evaluation?

A detailed and comprehensive written report follows the evaluation and includes:

  • A summary of the findings.
  • A description of your child’s learning profile and its connection to your child’s academic performance.
  • Recommendations for educational decisions and interventions are made based on your child’s profile.

A follow-up consultation with Dr. Jane is then scheduled to review the evaluation, findings, and recommendations.

Additional Follow-up Services Available:

  • School Consultations and Visitations
  • Advocacy Support
  • Consultations with Other Professionals
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